New Exciting Online Tools For Healing and Expansion!
"Did you hear that winter's over? The basil and the carnations cannot control their laughter. The nightingale, back from his wandering,...

Inner Earth Stories You'll Love :)
Here is Admiral Byrd's flight diary after flying into the inner Earth in 1947... Admiral Richard B. Byrd's Diary: February - March 1947...

When a Bottle Helps You Win an Internal Battle of a Climate Change Debate
How many of you are interested in the issue of climate change, global warming and sustainability? I certainly am and wanted to share some...

Manifestation Space - Script From a Session With Bashar
Number One: VISION. Vision, Vision, Vision. Simply meaning, have an image. Have an idea. Have a dream. Have a wish. Have a vision, have a...

A Tall White Alien And An Elohim Walk Into a Bar...
Not all hypnosis sessions look like that, but when we allow ourselves to go with the energy within, the abilities we are able to tap into...

One Extraordinary Act a Day
Greetings from Chicago again, where I will be offering hypnosis, energy healing and coaching sessions for the next two months! Below is a...