Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy
What is Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT)?
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) was developed by Dolores Cannon, an internationally respected hypnotherapist, past-life regressionist, researcher, speaker and author of 18 books. She has over 45 years of hypnosis experience, with over 30 years of that spent developing and refining this wonderful technique of exploring one’s past lives and contacting one’s “Higher Self” (Source of All Knowledge).
What Is Past Life Regression?
Past Life Regression is the first component of Dolores’ Quantum Healing Hypnosis therapy and involves the individual being regressed and guided through an appropriate past life from the first scene they first view, throughout the various periods of the life and eventually through to the death scene. The Subconscious will select what past life to show the individual and they will be guided through it by the practitioner conducting the session. The past life the Subconscious chooses to show an individual is always relevant to the current life the individual is living now and it is not uncommon for multiple Past Lives to be shown during a single session. QHHT practitioner will navigate an individual through a Past Life using a series of questions to help determine the time period and social setting of the life.
What is The Subconscious?
Dolores’ Definition; The Subconscious that is contacted by the practitioners of her QHHT technique is the polar opposite to the subconscious referred to by psychologists and conventional medical professionals. During her early years as a hypnotherapist, Dolores became aware that through her unique technique of induction she was contacting and communicating with a portion of an individual’s consciousness that was indeed a part of them, yet lay far above the level of their conscious mind, which is the part of ourselves we are aware of and use to interact with others on a personal level. The Subconscious is a suitable label given the context of Dolores’ work; however, religions and spiritual teachers alike have attempted to identify and label this larger part of ourselves throughout history using a variety of different labels: the Higher Self, the Oversoul, Christ Consciousness, Higher Consciousness, the Universal Mind and Oneness. The Subconscious has stated to Dolores that it does not care what we call it. It simply Is, and is willing to work with those with a pure heart and true intent.
​Working with the Subconscious
The main objective is always to help improve the lives of the clients I work with. Therefore, the purpose of working with the Subconscious is always to help an individual to the greatest extent possible in whatever capacity possible. This help can come in many different ways. The Subconscious knows everything there is to know about an individual and the life they are living now, so one of the first actions taken by the practitioner in a Quantum Healing Hypnosis therapy session is to ask the Subconscious the questions an individual has about their own life. Obtaining this information on behalf of the individual is crucial to the healing aspect of the technique as it provides them with comfort, support and greater understanding in many different areas of their life. The Subconscious will only choose to share information that is appropriate at the time and information that will only be of benefit to the individual.
The explanation the Subconscious gives for why we experience disease will most certainly challenge the belief systems of many people in our current medical and scientific paradigms. As we move through this time of great change and transition, many people are indeed stretching their belief systems to incorporate new ideas and concepts by seeking out alternative information that mainstream science has either dispelled or ignored. Many long held paradigms of accepted thought are beginning to crumble and are slowly being replaced by concepts and ideas that can no longer be suppressed as a result of the Internet and instantaneous communication all over the world. In order to understand the Subconscious and this component of Quantum Healing Hypnosis therapy, you will have to stretch your belief system to enable you to understand the following concepts in the context they are given. These concepts are extremely challenging to even consider at first and many will reject them as either illogical or irrational. The myriad of advances in Quantum Physics over recent decades have triggered a snowballing body of evidence supporting the notion that the thoughts that we predominantly think dictate the reality we experience. In fact, a large body of scientific evidence now exists which proves that thought has a direct, measurable effect on physical matter. This is simple to understand when one considers that all matter is just energy vibrating at different frequencies. Thought is the projection of energy and we have evolved to a point where we have conscious control over our thoughts and what we think. The spoken words ‘I love you’ and ‘I hate you’ are the physical projections of thought energy. Now think about the effect those phrases have on the physical bodies of whom you may say them to.
The goal here is not to convince you of anything you are not ready to accept, nor is it to persuade you to reject anything you are not ready to disregard, it is simply to provide you with a platform upon which you can understand how Quantum Healing Hypnosis therapy works and how the results it achieves, are possible.
​How Does Healing Take Place?
The Subconscious has the ability to identify any physical problem it detects within the body to the QHHT Practitioner and explain the causes for its presence, be it from the current life or a past life. The Subconscious is then asked if it is suitable for healing to occur, which if it is, is done instantaneously with no medication, surgery or pain involved. Very often, simply understanding why a disease is present or why a particular emotion is being experienced is sufficient for it to be relieved and removed by the Subconscious. Over the course of her career, Dolores has conducted sessions with clients where the physical healing that occurs has been challenging for even her to comprehend. She has been teaching her technique to students all over the world for a decade and many write back detailing miraculous accounts of a similar nature.
Before detailing this list of what is possible in terms of healing, it must be stated that healing can only occur if an individual wants to be healed and if it does not interfere with the goals of their lifetime. We are infinite souls who have incarnated on Earth for our own individual experiences. The Subconscious of a blind person would not heal her/his sight if being blind was one of the key aspects of her/his life he agreed to experience. Nor would it heal a physical problem someone had created through the lack of care for their body if they had not yet learned the lesson to love and respect their body. It is very literal in its thinking. Are you beginning to understand the logic?
There are no guarantees, but these are some of the remarkable results Dolores and her QHHT Practitioners alike have experienced with clients during a session:
Cancer of all types at various stages being cured
Cartilage being reconstructed between joints
AIDS being cured and eradicated from the body
Heart conditions being healed, afterwards surgery is no longer required
Deteriorated livers being regenerated and restored to full function
Damaged kidneys being regenerated and restored to full function
Open flesh wounds being regenerated with no scarring
Migraines being explained and their root causes removed
20/20 vision being restored where people no longer need corrective vision
Diabetes being cured and the causes for it explained
Intestinal problems being cured
Lower and middle back problems being cured
Neck and shoulder pains being removed
Lung associated problems being cured
Skin problems
Nothing is beyond the realm of possibility. There are no limitations, except the limits of your own imagination. What you BELIEVE plays a big part in your healing experience.
Please note A Quantum Healing Hypnosis therapy session is a one-to-one process that typically lasts about 4-5 hours. For most clients, one session is sufficient. Occasionally a follow up session is needed.
Before arriving at your session: Intend, from the very moment you have decided to schedule an appointment, to have clear and direct communication with that part of you that is able to provide healing and information (your “Higher Self”). Your intention to have a great session is key! Once you have made the decision to have a QHHT session, your Higher Self is already preparing and getting ready to have a wonderful conversation with you.
Your conscious self needs to be reminded that it will be taking a back seat in this experience. Dolores calls the conscious self the ‘stupid self’ because it thinks it knows everything (ego) and really knows very little. Start repeating to yourself several times a day that you connect to your subconscious easily. “I have clear and direct communication with my Higher Self” is a great example of what you can say. You can then repeat this intention silently or out loud throughout your day and most importantly, right before you go to sleep at night.
Prepare a list of questions you would like your Higher Self to answer. Don’t be shy, really go to town – life questions, health concerns, career and relationship questions, spirituality, life purpose, personal challenges – anything you can think of. These questions should be on the specific side, as opposed to loose and open. Make sure your list is relevant to your needs alone, and not those of anyone else. Include ANYTHING you feel you would like to know. It does not really matter how many questions you come up with, but if your list is rather long, please put them in order of importance. Every question is respected, and nothing is judged.
Dress comfortably. You will be lying down for roughly 1-2 hours in one position. Avoid clothes that are tight or binding.
You may want to eat a light meal beforehand. Do not eat a large meal or one that is likely to make you sleepy. Also, avoid alcohol and go easy on the caffeine and stimulating drinks before your session.
No diuretics, please. It is best to avoid restroom breaks during the trance part of the session.
Do not invite anyone else to join you in your session. Even though you may feel the need for some support, deeply personal information could be forthcoming during the session that you may not want to share. This is a very private, personal and confidential process with relevance only to you, your circumstances and your life. It is only out of great respect for you that I refuse anyone else in the session room. Any sharing can be made by you once you have listened to your recording and decided what you feel is safe and appropriate to share.
Before you arrive for your session you may want to relax your conscious mind. You could repeat a statement such as, “My conscious mind will stand back and allow clear and direct communication with my Higher Self.” This will enable me to more easily calm your conscious mind and let it step back and allow your Higher Self to bring its great compassion, wisdom and knowledge to work.
When you arrive at your session:
Relax and approach your session with an open, allowing and curious state of mind. This will help you experience the images and sensations of your past life regression. Allowing, instead of expecting and/or analyzing, will be highly beneficial to your session. As soon as you remove any expectations from a pending experience it has the opportunity to pleasantly surprise you as it unfolds.
Be honest during your interview. The more clearly I can understand you and your questions, plus their relevance to your life, the easier it is for me to ask the questions in the right manner and with the right emphasis.
Be sure you ask me any and every question that will ensure you feel completely safe, valued and respected. Your high level of comfort, trust and safety is of paramount importance to me and contributes greatly to having a successful Quantum Healing Hypnosis therapy session. Throughout your complete QHHT session you are fully respected and supported. And of course, your experience is kept strictly confidential. It is up to you and you alone if you would like to share your recording with anyone else after you have listened to it privately.
"My experience with Aga was amazing! Aga made me feel relaxed during the entire session. She cleared my Chakras and I could actually feel my kundalini energy flowing through my body like a snake. Her hypnosis technique is very wonderful! It makes you feel free and so relaxed that your higher self is able to come to the stage to express what needs to be discussed. I did not feel like a person, but instead I felt like pure energy. I met my creator and felt the presence of God with me. Words cannot explain the experience. It is pure consciousness and feeling of being one with God and the universe. After the session my energy level was through the roof. I feared nothing. My new focus became unlocking my potential and following my higher self to achieve my true destiny. I would recommend Aga to anyone who would like to stop living in the day to day chaotic world and instead start living as pure energy and achieving a higher vibration. I would also recommend Aga's online meditation programs. Aga is a true blessing! Namaste!"